The snapvol.cfg configuration file contains explicit information such as what should be captured and not captured on the writable volume for a user-installed application or user profile data.
The configuration file ( snapvol.cfg ) falls into two categories: Default and Custom. The Default set is created by the App Volumes agent during the installation and the Custom set does not exist by default, but can be created in specific folders on the base image, provisioning volume, Writable Volumes, and application packages. On the base image, these files are located in the App Volumes installation directory, identified by %SVAgent% environment variable. This variable is created during the installation of App Volumes agent.
Default Config File
The default configuration files in the Default folder will get installed by the App Volumes Agent during the installation. These files are located in the base virtual machine at \CloudVolumes\Agent\Config\Default.
Note : Default policy ( snapvol.cfg) and script files must not be modified / deleted. These files are overwritten during the App Volumes Agent upgrade.
Volume Type Configuration Directory
System Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default
Profile-only Writable Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\profile
UIA only Writable Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\uia
UIA+profile Writable Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\uia_plus_profile
Application Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\app
Provisioning Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\provisioning
Custom Config File
The policy files (snapVol.cfg) must be created in the Custom folder, which resides in the App Volumes Agent installation directory.
If you want the custom rules only for a particular Writable Volume or an application package, then you can go to the custom configuration directory and create or modify the snapvol.cfg in the corresponding location.
If you want to have different policies within multiple Writable Volumes, you must create multiple Writable Volume templates.
Volume Type Configuration Directory
All Volumes %SVAgent\Config\Custom
Application Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Custom\app
Provisioning Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Custom\provisioning
Note: Prior to App volume 4.4, the custom folder created manually used get deleted during the app volumes agent reinstallation/upgrade.
In my next blog, I will be explaining in details, how to place custom snaplvol exclusions.